Message to Families

On September 28, it’s all about you and your family.

Your family member is why the Free the Spirit Festival started; to ensure they have every opportunity to experience a full and meaningful life. It’s been called Family Fun Day and Miles for Smiles, but Free the Spirit totally captures what our biggest and most important fundraising event of the year is all about: a celebration of the freedom of spirit that comes when people are supported to reach their highest potential.

We need YOU to make this event a success once again. Will you please help in one or more of the three ways on the right?

Most importantly, we hope you’ll join us for a fun day of family activities, live entertainment, artisan market, and more. Invite your family and friends to come, too!

Supporting Free the Spirit Festival is a perfect way to make a meaningful difference in not only your own family member’s life, but also in the lives of more than 1,600 people supported by St.Amant.

Questions? Contact me at 204-258-7052 or [email protected].

Saturday, September 28
10 am to 2 pm
St.Amant, 440 River Road

We hope that you can help us in one of the 3 ways listed below, but most importantly we want you to JOIN US for a day of family activities, live entertainment, artisan market, and more. Invite your family and friends to come too!

Juliette Mucha
St.Amant Foundation

3 Ways You Can Support the Free the Spirit Festival

1. Collect pledges. Sign up for the 2k walk or 5k run or start now with the pledge form. Ask friends, family and colleagues for their support!

2. Sell Festival Lottery tickets. Chance to win one of three prizes, up to $50,000 in the 50/50 draw or $500 and $1000. Get a booklet of tickets to sell call 204-258-7052 or email [email protected].

3. Make a donation. Too busy to collect pledges right now? Your donation will make a huge difference!

To make a donation: or call 204-258-7050.